Class UserUpdate


This Class represents a dataobject for updating a User.

Only Id is required, remaining fields will be updated if they are set in the object.

Variable Summary
string $Address
string $Address2
boolean $Approved
string $BirthDate
string $City
string $Company
boolean $Consent
datetime $ConsentDate
string $Country
int $Currency
string $Cvr
string $DateCreated
string $DateUpdated
string $Description
string $Ean
string $Email
string $Fax
string $Firstname
int $Id
String[] $LanguageAccess
string $LanguageISO
string $Lastname
string $Mobile
boolean $Newsletter
string $Number
string $Password
string $Phone
string $Referer
int $Sex
string $Type
string $Url
string $Username
string $Zip
string $Address

The address of the User

string $Address2

The second address line of the User

boolean $Approved

Wether or not the user has been approved by an administrator

string $BirthDate

The date of birth of the User

string $City

The city of the User

string $Company

The name of the company of this User

boolean $Consent

The consent status of the user

datetime $ConsentDate

The date that the user confirmed consent

string $Country

The country of the User

int $CountryCode

The phone initials of the Users country

int $Currency

The currency iso of the User

string $Cvr

The Cvr number of the User

string $DateCreated

The datetime the User was created

string $DateUpdated

The datetime the User was last updated

string $Description

The description of the User

int $DiscountGroupId

The id of the DiscountGroup of the User

string $Ean

The Ean number of the User

string $Email

The email of the User

string $Fax

The fax number of the User

string $Firstname

The firstname of the user

int $Id

The id of the User

int[] $InterestFields

The ids InterestGroups of this User

string $LanguageISO

The selected frontend Language ISO of the User

string $Lastname

The lastname of the user

string $Mobile

The mobile number of the User

boolean $Newsletter

Wether or not the User should receive Newsletters

string $Number

The number of the User

string $Password

The password of the User. This property will always return an empty result as to not expose sensitive data in regards to data security.

string $Phone

The phone number of the User

string $Referer

String describing from where the user was created

int $Sex

Wether the User is male of female (1 for male, 2 for female, 0 for none)

string $Type

The Type of the User ('Private', 'Company', 'var Sector')

string $Url

The url of the Users webpage

int $UserGroupId

The id of the UserGroup of the User

string $Username

The usrename of the User

string $Zip

The zip of the User

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:51 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4